Weekend Re-Cap

I know that I have been neglecting my site as of late. No new quotes, no new rants. But there has been good reason. In this rant, I hope to shed a bit of light on the reason.

Thursday October 24
8:00 – 4:30 : Work. Stress about the final rehearsal that night. Stress-O-Meter at 4/10
4:30 – 8:00 : Wait with Rome for Joel who has my car. He made a double car payment for me and then got stuck in wicked traffic. Stress-O-Meter at 5/10
8:00 – 8:20 : Finish my beer (I was really a bundle of nerves), do a couple of karaoke songs (Beth by KISS, The Rose by Bette Midler and Like a Surgeon by ‘Weird’ Al Yankovic), and jump in the car to go to final dress rehearsal.
8:55 : Arrive at rehearsal, get assorted crap out of car, stand with Joel for a few minutes before I get into show mode.
9:something : Props get set up, look for Joel, instead find Tom. Stress-O-Meter to 6/10
10:00 or so : Rehearsal starts. A few major/minor prop screw-ups, but for the most part a smooth run-thru.
12:00 or so : Ready to leave, small crisis, find Joel, go home.

Friday October 25
1:30a : Get home, talk for a bit, crash.
5:00a : Wake up to go to breakfast with Mom and her boyfriend Jerry. Grumble about not thinking when making the plans for breakfast. Get Joel out of bed and into car to drive to Pinellas. Stress-O-Meter now at 7/10
6:30 – 7:45: Breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Mom & Jerry – well rested, cheery. Lisa & Joel – not rested, trying to overcompensate cheeriness, probably ended up looking like a couple of idiots.
8:00 - 12:00 : Sleep at Lisa’s.
12:00 – 12:45 : Attempt to get ready for the day. Stress-O-Meter resets down to 4/10 after brief sleep.
12:45 – 3:00 : Shop for last minute show items, attempt to eat lunch, Joel keeps Lisa distracted from show thoughts. Stress-O-Meter reset to 3/10
3:15 : Arrive at Lisa’s to put bag together for show. Lisa and Mom have fight. Mom eats Lisa’s lunch leaving Lisa nothing. Stress-O-Meter jump to 7/10
3:50 : Leave to go to store to get walkie-talkie batteries and aspirin.
4:15 : Lisa sees the time, Stress-O-Meter jump to 9/10. Lisa almost passes out in Winn-Dixie. Pulse rate approx. 160, face turns white, hyperventilating. Joel threatens to take Lisa to hospital. Lisa freaks out thinking she may get fired for being in the hospital, tries to calm down.
5:15 : Arrive at Tampa Theatre, begin set-up.
7:45 : Cast meeting downstairs. Shot of Southern Comfort. Stress-O-Meter 5/10.
8:00 : Pre-Show starts.
9:00 : Movie Starts. Stress-O-Meter 6/10
11:00 : Movie ends. Props get put away, largely thanks to the Tampa Theatre employees. Stress-O-Meter 2/10
11:30 : Cast meeting, go home.
12:30a : Arrive home, get awesomely incredible massage from feet to shoulders, pass out from exhaustion.

Saturday October 26
11:30a : Lisa wakes up, totally refreshed. Play with Chloe (the cat), read.
3:15 : Get a bit more massage, prepare for the show.
5:15 : Arrive at Tampa Theatre, set up the props. Stress-O-Meter at 3/10
7:15 : Lisa gets cryptic message from Tom over walkie-talkie. Lisa goes to say hello, sees Cheshire Tom standing next to ex-girlfriend, Noelle (who has hated Lisa for many years). Walks away as quickly as it takes to say ‘Hello’. Stress-O-Meter jump to 6/10
7:15 – 8:00 : Continue getting increasingly annoying messages over walkie-talkie from Tom. Finally send message to everyone to NOT give Tom a walkie-talkie again. Stress-O-Meter to 8/10
8:00 : Brian plays Shock Treatment soundtrack. Lisa sings ‘In My Own Way’ at the top of her lungs. Stress-O-Meter drops to 5/10
8:00 – 11:30 : Show goes well, props get put away. Lisa becomes very frustrated in who she sees helping and who she sees not helping. Once again, major thank you to Tampa Theatre employees, additionally to Ed, Ryan, Nicole, and an audience member whose name I think was Mike, but I can’t remember. Lisa gets weird requests to please walk past Tom and Noelle so they will stop posing. Stress-O-Meter at 3/10, Laughter-O-Meter due to requests at 9/10
11:30 – 1:00 : After party in Tampa Theatre Lobby, pizza, drinks and cake. People telling stories, tossing insults and having a general good time.
1:00a – Drive back to Joel’s, tell him about the show, pass out.

So there you have it. My weekend in a nutshell. I would have written a real rant, but as you can see, it would have ended up being about 8 rants and by the time I had finished writing them, no one would have cared anymore. So you have 8 rants for the price of one. Hopefully, I’ll be feeling more myself soon and I’ll be back updating more often. See you soon! As for now, I am going to continue calming down and getting ready for next years stress-fest.
